Sage advice from The Thyme Traveller

Monday 5 May 2014

A personal message

I think there must be something about blogging and social media, when it comes to my own projects, that intimidates me. In the last year, I have eaten and cooked a great deal and taken many photos of said food. I have even written about some of these experiences – for my eyes only. But something, for some reason, has stopped me from properly developing this blog.

The last couple of years have represented something of crisis phase for me, in which I’ve realised that my career and education have been going in a direction that I don’t feel represents me, and that I no longer believe in. I find things hard to walk away from once I’ve started. Cue two degrees in arguably the wrong subject area, and a job I’ve stayed in longer than I should. On a positive day, I could rationalise that these wrong decisions will ultimately equip me with enough self-knowledge to make the right one. But I’m not there yet.

Of all the things I’ve discovered that don’t make me happy, food is the constant that does. Cooking is a way of showing the people around you that you care for them. It’s the thing that brings people together in all settings: happy, sad and everyday occasions. It’s fundamental, it should be pleasurable and it connects us. Food is love.

I guess one of the important things about a blog, in terms of its appeal, is that the writer has a voice. I want this blog to be about food, not about the often-ridiculous things that happen in my life. But I am what I eat in quite a fundamental sense – food frames my life – so I wanted to try to offer up a bit of an explanation about why I haven’t blogged for so long. Hopefully, this will allow me to connect a bit more with the immediacy that blogging offers – that it requires – and to overcome whatever it is that’s been holding me back.  

1 comment:

  1. This is beautifully written. For what it's worth (and I do follow a few food bloggers so it's not worth nothing!) you have a great style... I hope you can allow yourself a voice. x
